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Rating: 3
May 30 2013
About is an online dating site and it seems someone has put a lot of though into it. With a lot of new dating websites having an nearly non-existent set-up process, appears to have a bit of a drawn out and overly long set-up process that asks you all the basic questions that any other site would ask and a few slightly more strange ones. The site asks you a series of questions and you can select if you strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree. There is no middle ground so you essentially either have to agree or disagree. There are some more typical questions like “Do you like doing new things?” or “Do you have a wide range of interests”?” to more random questions such as (as they show you a picture of a guy looking over a fence) “Is there something exciting going on the other side?” most likely they ask that to see if your an optimist or a pessimist, or there just asking to ask (although I doubt it) or they show you pictures of people smiling and ask if you think there real of phony. After you go through the seemingly endless set-up process they label you as either one of four personality types. “Explorers” are spontaneous, creative, and open-minded. “Directors” are decisive, focused and independent. “Negotiators” are imaginative, empathetic and nurturing or lastly “Builders” are social, loyal and dependable. I was deemed an explorer, which I have no problem with, it just seems silly to ask a shit load of questions and emphasize so much about individual personality and then just dump people in one of four groups.
- The site provides only 10 new matches per day, leaving you to come back each day to get the next group. Although, the site has a pop up that’s regularly shows you members who are “recommended for you”
- Besides your matches you can view “interested in you”, “winks”, “connections” or a live “stream” that shows you who has recently signed in or just signed up.
- You can view all the pictures on a member’s profile that you have been matched with but you need to subscribe to be able to communicate with them through email or IM.
- On a members profile you can get information on “how you to click” which is based on Dr. Helen Fisher’s research. For example I (an explorer) was matched with a negotiator so…”Both types have charm to spare and will naturally get along. With the spontaneity and creativity of the Explorer and the flexibility and imagination of the Negotiator, you’re both in store for some great adventures and hearty laughs together.”
- View your matches by Date Served, Age, Activity or Personality and choose to only see member profiles hat have pictures.
- Learn about your personality type as well as you secondary personality type, I was labeled as an Explorer/Director. They give you information about things you should be aware of, things you can be like an explorer can be impulsive and creative. They also provide a general idea of how your personality type acts when being in love and how they fall in love.
- The site occasionally has free communication weekends where you can communicate with other members and send and receive emails for free for the duration of the weekend. You can also get a free 3 day trial member ship at anytime.
- On a members profile page there is a section that outlines which criteria of their desired match that you are a match for with a checklist to quickly absorb the information.
- Profile pages display how long it’s been since a user has been active on the site so you don’t waste your time attempting to communicate with someone who will never respond.
- There is an option on the member profiles to “see more like her” which will provide you a list of matches with similar desires and personality to that of the user you were just viewing.
- The site allows you to view a list of “my not reallys” which is member profiles that you have for some reason actively avoided in the future, so if for some reason you want to look through a list of rejects its there for you.
Member Features
- Get a personality insight from Dr. Helen Fisher
- Chemistry Profile and Personality Test
- View photos of matches
- Receive daily personalized matches
Subscriber Bonus Features
- Communicate at any time with the matches you are interested in
- Email your matches at any time
- Flirt using games
- Discover who wants to connect with you
- Find out who has noticed you
Video Review
Get an in depth look at the site and watch our video review HERE
Drawback and Caveats
The account set-up takes some commitment since you’ll be answering questions to determine your personality for a while. I don’t think the pay off is worth the effort. Once you’ve completed the personality test your only reward is a list of 10 matches whom you cant communicate with unless you subscribe to the site. The site only provides 10 matches per day so you will need to check back to the site on a daily basis to see your new lot of potential mates. The site focuses a lot of its attention to determining your personality and matching you with others but besides that you cant really do a lot on the site. You are unable to perform any sort of search and are completely reliant on the site for its pithily 10 matches a day. The features of the site are pretty basic and don’t provide anything unique or original, so beside being labeled with one of only 4 personality types there’s nothing else the site will provide.
Conclusion takes some dedication since the personality test is a lengthy process and after all the strange questions have been answered you fell unfulfilled since you are only provided a list of 10 matches and if you don’t subscribe you cant interact with them. If your looking to get some general info on your personality and be told how you will fall in love then the site can provide you a great service, but if your looking to casually date or hook up with members there is certainly better sites out there.